"My beloved daughter, my little plant"
Read the Bishop's Testimony
The Bishop and his team of experts which included Vatican Theologans , were convinced that God the Father had indeed revealed His message through Mother Eugenia. The Bishop finished the investigation by thanking God for choosing his Diocese to convey such a beautiful revelation.
Cardinal Petrus Canisius Van Lierde approved the Revelations and writings received through Mother Eugenia Elizabetta Ravasio by awarding the Impramatur.
Petrus Canisius Van Lierde, Vic. Generalis e Vic. Civitatis Vaticanae, Roma Die 13 Martii 1989.
The only Church in the world (God the Father of Mercy - Ukraine) dedicated to God the Father was authorised and blessed by His Holiness John Paul 11. The project received his blessing and he blessed the initial stone used for the Church foundation.
Message for the Pope
Dedicated to God the Father
Bishop of Grenoble
Philip Illsley