I turn to you, My beloved son, My VIcar, before all others...
to place this work in your hands. It should rank first among all your tasks and, because of the fear inspired in menby the devil, it will be accomplished only at this time.
To be known, loved and honoured with a special devotion, I do not ask for anything extraordinary. I desire only this:
1. I desire one day, or at least a Sunday dedicated to honouring me
I desire that one day, or at least a Sunday, be dedicated to honouring Me in a special way under the title of Father of all Mankind.
2. I desire all the clergy should undertake to promote this devotion.
I desire that all the clergy should undertake to promote this devotion and, most of all, to make Me known to men as I am and as I will always be for them, that is to say, the most tender and the most loveable of all Fathers.
3. I desire them to bring me into to all families...
I desire them to bring Me into all families, hospitals, laboratories, workshops, barracks, conference halls of the ministers of nations - In short, wherever my creatures are, even if there were only one of them!
I desire that the tangible sign of my invisible presence be a picture to show that i am really present. Thus, all ,men will carry out all their actions under the Father's gaze, and I myself will have before Me the creature that i have not only created but adopted. In this way, My children will be, as it were, under their tender Father's gaze. Even now i am everywhere, certainly, but I would like to be represented in a tangible way.
4. I desire an act of piety during the year.
I desire that during the year the clergy and the faithful should perform some acts of piety in My honour, without detriment to their usual occupations.
Let my priests go fearlessly everywhere, among all nations, to bring the flame of My fatherley love to men. Then souls will be enlightened and coquered, not only among unbelievers, but in all those sects which are not of the true Church.
Yes, I want these men also, who are My children, to see this flame shining before them, to know the truth, to embrace it and to put all the Christian virtues into practice.
5. I would like to be honoured in a very special way...
I would like to be honoured in a very special way in seminaries, in novitiats, in schools and homes for the elderly. May everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, be able to know and love Me as their Father, Creator and Saviour.
6. Let priests seek in the scriptures what I said in former times
Let priests set about seeking in the Holy Scriptures what i said in former times and what has remained unknown uo to now concerning the worship I wish to receive from men. May they work to make My desires and My will known to all men, specifying what i wish to say to people in general and to priests, monks and nuns in particular. Those souls are the ones I choose, more than others in the world, to pay me great homage.
The Father writes...
"If only you knew how much I desire to be known, loved and honoured by men with a special devotion! I have had the desire for all eternity and since the creation of the first man. I have expressed this desire to men at various times, especially in the Old Testament. but man has never understood it. Now this desire makesMe forget all the past, if only it can become a reality now, in My creatures all over the world."
Completion of the Father's requests
The Father acknowledges in His writings to the pope that it will take time to realise all of His desires. But through the prayers and sacrifices of generous souls who will give themselves for this work, He will one day be satisfied.
"I am stooping down to the poorest of my creatures to talk to her..."
God the Father explains to the Pope in His writing, that He is talking to all men through her: "even though she cannot realise the grandeur of the work I wish to accomplish among them."
"I am doing this to realise My plan through simplicity and innocence."
About us
Dedicated to making known the message of the Father.