The population of Zaporoze consisted of about two million inhabitants and was situated in the center of Ukraine. It had been chosen by Lenin as a model city of the new atheist Russia: there was not even a chapel dedicated for worship.
In 1995, the Virgin of Fatima came to Zaporoze in the Ukraine, accompanied by Father Andrea D’Ascanio. He was welcomed by the community, including the Polish Father Jan Sobilo; the first Catholic priest operating in the city who was able to secure permission for a Catholic Church to be built
From this initial activity, the first church in the world dedicated to God the Father came to be.
During a private meeting between Fr Sobilo and His Holiness (John Paul II ) The Holy Father gave his assent for the project and its dedication to "God the Merciful Father", His Holiness also offered and subsequently blessed the first stone for the building.
Immediately after the meeting with the Pope, Fr Sobilo requested assistance from the leaders of the Armata Bianca, the organisation which had previously assisted with the visit from the virgin of Fatima.
At the request of the the Bishop of Kamieniec-Podilski
(Jan Olszanski) the Armata Bianca therefore contributed to the construction of the church which was completed and consecrated on 7 August 2004, and is now erected as a concactedrale of the Diocese.