This is the Time of graces foreseen and awaited since the begining of Time, I come as the most tender and loving of Fathers, I stoop down to raise you up to Me and ensure your salvation. Aproach the spring which will gush for ever from My Fatherly Breast, taste the sweetness of this health - giving water in your souls so as to live in Me to die to yourselves and to live eternally in Me - click onto www.thefatherspeakstohischildren.com LEARN MORE
I WOULD ASK YOU ALL TO LOOK AT MY NEW WEB SITE- www.thefatherspeakstohischildren.com and look at this great book The Father speaks to his children - YOU can also download this Book on www.holyishisname.co.uk I have been the UK distributor for this great book for over 12 years now. This wonderful message from the Father to Mother eugina the father said; I have just opened up a fountain of living water which will never dry up from now until the end of time, I am coming to you My children to open My paternal Breast filled with love for you, I open My Heart to you whence a refreshing spring will issue and where all men will quench their thirst. ( Mother Eugenia said I have been able to see this spring every day since He first talked about it ) If you wish to test the power of this spring first learn to know Me better and to love Me not only as a Father but as your friend and confidant, call Me your Father love Me in spirit and truth this will be enough to make this refreshing and powerful water quench your thirst and My spring will give you love confidence and everything you need form Your Father and Creator. LEARN MORE and down load the BOOK the Father speaks to his Children

In 1932 God the Father appeared to an Italian nun called Mother Eugina Raviso this is the only private revelation by God the Father and recognised as authentic by the Church - Please click onto www.thefatherspeakstohischildren.com and Learn more You can alos down load FREE form this site this great book THE FATHER SPEAKS TO HIS CHILDREN and learn more about the Father of all Mankind and please share

The Father said to Mother Eugina I have just opened up a fountain of living water which will never dry up from now until the end of time. I am coming to you My creatures to open My paternal Breast filled with Love for you My Children. I want you to be witnesses of My infinate and merciful love. I also want to open My Heart to you whence a refreshing spring will issue and whence all men will quench their thirst. I have let this spring gush forth ( Mother Eugenia I have been able to see this spring every day since he first talked about it) If you wish to test the power of this spring first learn to know Me better and to love Me to the extent that I desire. You will say to Me how can we come to you call Me your Father love Me in spirit and truth and this will be enough to make this refreshing and powerful water quench your thirst. CallMe by the sweet name of Father and I will come to you My spring will give you love and everything you need to be loved for ever by your Father and Creator.